„The BE-U: Answer to Berlin 2030“.
What is needed is a city that fits into its natural environment, functions at the interface with its citizens and offers tradespeople an environment for success. When, as with the BE-U, an entire neighbourhood is revitalised, the social function of a commercial property must be considered: What does it provide to tenants and residents? Which areas can be used for public purposes? What does this mean for businesses moving in (restaurants, bars,
shopping markets, etc.). At the same time, we know today, and not just since the energy crisis, that we have to manage our resources so that we can continue to use them in the future. With both social and ecological justice, the BE-U is a response to „Berlin 2030“, the Berlin Senate’s strategy for a sustainable city.

„Future viability as a competitive advantage“
This becomes a competitive advantage for the new quarter. The economic model of the donut theory shows why: places that are „safe and just“ for people respect „planetary boundaries“ (the outer ring) and strive to meet minimum social standards (the inside of the donut).
The donut is not limited to a local level. As a metropolis and Germany’s capital, Berlin is globally connected. Global opportunities stand for global responsibility. For the project development of a new quarter, this means offering ways to use resources responsibly. Cost- and energy-saving answers for the delivery of consumer goods, materials and raw materials are just as much in demand as a concept that avoids the term „waste“ and also recycles residual materials (waste to value).