Schöneweide is a location of the future: research, entrepreneurial spirit and innovative production

Macro location
S-Bahn: train station Schöneweide – 2,0 km – line RB24 / S-Bahn: S8, S9, S45, S46. S47, S85
Tram: station Ostendstr. – directly in front of the property– lines N67 / Tram: 27, 37, 60, 61, 67
Freeway access: A 113 – 6,0 km
S-Bahn: train station Schöneweide – 2,0 km
line RB24 / S-Bahn: S8, S9, S45, S46. S47, S85
Tram: Station Ostendstr. – directly in front of the property
lines N67 / Tram: 27, 37, 60, 61, 67
Autobahnzufahrt: A 113 – 6,0 Km

Micro location
- Behrens-Ufer
- TGS Schöneweide
- BAE Batterien GmbH
- First Sensor AG
- Kabelwerk Oberspree
- Hochschule für Technik
und Wirtschaft Berlin
(HTW Berlin)
- Freeway access
- S-Bahn stations
- Tram station
The new BE-U is well integrated
The new BE-U | Behrens-Ufer is nestled between the University of Applied Sciences and the neighbouring Schöneweide Technology and Start-up Centre. It complements the triangle of research, entrepreneurial spirit and innovative production and strengthens the emergence of entrepreneurial networks. Through these neighbourly synergy effects, the BE-U can develop into the most attractive location for future technologies and innovative industries in Berlin.
The BE-U is part of the Berlin South-East innovation cluster.
Anyone who climbs the tower of the Peter Behrens Building in Berlin Oberschöneweide and lets their eyes wander over the sea of Berlin houses will soon realise that this quarter is more than just an industrial monument. Surrounded by the green Wuhlheide and the blue Spree, the former industrial belt is already an attractive location for science, business, art and culture. It is currently experiencing the greatest surge of development in its recent history and is integrated into the Berlin South-East boom corridor.